International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
     | 1. Probiotics for Oral Health: An Upcoming Natural Way Forwardvol 4 no.4 2015 Manuscript received 23rd April, 2015, revised 26th June, 2015, accepted 21st August, 2015 Radhika Maniyar Kartik Pendharkar Show Article | PDF (88 KB)  |
     | 2. Litter decomposition and nutrient cycling in temperate forest of Kumaun region Int. J. Fund. Appl. Sci. Vol. 4, No. 4 Manuscript received 24th Sept, 2015, revised 16th Oct, 2015, accepted 26th Oct, 2015 Lovy Raj Chandraa, b * Apurva Raia Veena Pandeb Nandita Singha Show Article | PDF (256 KB)  |
     | 3. A pilot sero-survey for surra in livestock in Karnataka by ELISA using flagellar antigen of Trypanosoma evansivol4 no 4 2015 Manuscript received 09th Oct, 2015, revised 31st Oct, 2015, accepted 01st Nov, 2015 Ligi Jose Sengupta P , Rudramurthy G. R Rahman H. Show Article | PDF (347 KB)  |