International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
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(ICV-Poland) Impact Value: 5.62

Online ISSN: 2278-1404

International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences

Study of Heavy metal uptake by Bacillus sp and E. col

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Year 2015 Vol 4 Issue 1
Document Type : original article
1handrareddy Vijayadeep 2 Pothukuchi Subrahmanya Sastry 2 3Marigowda Jayaramu 3
1Department of Microbiology, Maharani Lakshmi Ammann i College for Women, Bangalore- 560012. India;
2Department of Botany & Microbiology,Vijaya College, Bangalore- 56001 1, India; 3 D
3Department of Microbiology, Government Science Colle ge, University of Science, Tumkur-572101, India
Over the past century, unrestricted mining, extens ive industrialization, modern agricultural practice s and faulty waste disposal methods have resulted in the release of unprecedented levels of toxic heavy metals like Cd, Hg, Ag, Sn, Pb, Cu, Co, Mn, Zn, etc into the environment. Many metals are e ssential for microbial growth in less concentration , yet are toxic in higher concentrations. Various methods are available for t he removal and management of heavy metals: Conventi onal physico-chemical methods and emerging biosorption methods. Biosorptio n is an attractive alternative approach which invol ves the binding or adsorption of heavy metals to living or dead cells. Many microbes have the ability to selectively accu mulate metals. Aim: The present study was intended to analyze the uptake sy stems of Bacillus and E. coli against different concentration of heavy metals like Zn, Cu, Cd, and Hg in their salt form incorporat ed into nutrient broth medium observed over a regul ar interval of time.

Analysis was based on how much of the metal from th e original concentration used was left behind in th e media after the rest being up taken by the organism. This was done using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) which was indirectly the representation of percent uptake of heavy metal by the respective organism. Results: The study showed that Gram – ve organisms like E.coli exhibited more resistance to metals like Zn, Cu and Hg in relative comparison with Gram +ve organisms like Bacillus .
The study showed that Gram – ve organisms like E.coli exhibited more resistance to metals like Zn, Cu and Hg in relative comparison with Gram +ve organisms like Bacillus . Conclusion: Bacillus sps was less sensitive to effect of Cd than in E. coli
Keywords: Bacillus, E. coli , Bioremediation, Heavy metals, Toxicity, Biosorption , Uptake capacity, AAS
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